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Fantasy and Adventure New Releases: 29 February, 2020 –

Fantasy and Adventure New Releases: 29 February, 2020

Saturday , 29, February 2020 Leave a comment

Xianxia magical protectors, infernal collections agents, and dungeon fairy assistants fill this week’s list of fantasy and adventure new releases.

Annex (Artorian’s Archives #3) – Dennis Vanderkerken and Dakota Krout

Headmaster. Exile. Gladiator.

Backed into a corner, Artorian must play fast and loose with the laws of the land. To gather what he needs to progress, he will need to sacrifice what he’s gained in order to get this far.

With his new school and friends facing their most deadly challenges yet, Artorian finds an opportunity to keep them safe. The cost of it may be access to the new home he’s built, but that was never intended to be for him.

When he can ensure their safety, Artorian will begin pursuit of his grandchildren once more. If he finds them, will they want to be saved… or will they have found a taste for the darker powers they have accrued? It’s time to make the hard choices.

Death or graduation.

Axestorm (Sky Realms Online #3) – Troy Osgood

Hall had hoped things would finally start to settle down. He should’ve known better.

He’s been trapped within the new version of Sky Realms Online for months. Mostly at peace with it, he’s started to make a new life within the game world. He’s found a woman to love, the NPC Druid Leigh, and a village to call home.

Skara Brae is still mostly ruins but he now has friends and citizens to help rebuild. But he’s still missing many of the resources needed.

A quest for one of those resources, an airship, will send Hall and his companions far away to the cold island of Huntley, home to Storvgarde tribesmen and the Dwarven citadel of Axestorm Hall.

What should have been a simple voyage by airship will become much more as Hall will face shipwrecks, stolen Dwarven artifacts, rampaging tribesmen, a blast from his past, and more mysteries from a game they no longer know.

The Players will find themselves more connected to the world of Hankarth than ever before or they even thought possible and Hall will face his greatest challenge. Fighting for his life and his beliefs.

Will Hall survive long enough to learn who or what the Champions are?

Blood Tally (Valkyrie Collections #2) – Brian McClellan

Alek Fitz is the lead reaper for Valkyrie Collections, an agency that gathers debts for the paranormal elements of the world. Bound into modern-day slavery by a contract he cannot break, sold by parents he never knew, Alek works alongside demons, spirits, witches, and even Death himself to collect on deals made with humanity.

When Alek is forced to take a job from a local vampire hunting down a run-away thrall, he is immediately thrust into a world of blackmail and backstabbing, where the Rules are nothing more than an inconvenience to ancient, supernatural predators. For the first time, Alek has more to fear from his clients than from his debtors.

But Alek is the best in the business. It’ll take more than a Vampire Lord to keep a good reaper down.

The Dungeon Fairy (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy #1) – Jonathan Brooks

All that Tacca GloomLily ever wanted to be since she was very little was a Fairy Assistant to a Dungeon Core. After her negatively portentous birth, however, she was never fully accepted by her superstitious peers and instructors at the Dungeon Assistant Preparatory School; nevertheless, she persisted in her studies and graduated at the top of her class.

Unfortunately for her, the “hands-on” training she was supposed to receive from a Mentor and his Bonded Dungeon Core didn’t go the way she would’ve hoped. In fact, the stigma attached to her origins finally made itself known in the form of horrendously “bad luck”; the rotten part of her newly discovered luck was that it adversely affected Cores that she happened to be near, and not just herself.

What can a Dungeon Assistant Fairy do when every Dungeon Core she gets near ends up being destroyed? Tacca had no idea, but a solution eventually presents itself – though it’s one that she never saw coming…

The King’s Man (The Zero Enigma #7) – Christopher Nuttall

The City of Shallot is on the verge of revolution. The Great Houses are mustering their forces, readying themselves for a shift in the balance of power. The poor have found a new leader and are – finally – demanding their rights. Shadowy figures and old ghosts are prowling the streets. It is only a matter of time before the unease and unrest explodes into violence, as the wealthy and powerful seek to secure themselves in a changing world. And dark forces are laying plans to take advantage of the chaos …

A newly-graduated student, the son of a proudly independent merchant, Adam Mortimer is recruited into the Kingsmen and charged with helping to track down the anarchists and terrorists before they trigger an explosion. But, as he delves into the mystery, he finds himself caught between the scars of his childhood and his hopes for the future, loyalties tested as he finds himself caught between old friends and new.

And, as infernal devices begin to terrorise the city, Adam must risk everything to save the people he loves …

Primary Target (Six Assassins #1) – Jim Heskett and Nick Thacker

The Denver Assassins Club has one rule for its members: Step out of line and you become the next target.

Ember Clarke is a nimble killer-for-hire.

She only accepts jobs to snuff out dirtbags who deserve it, like the serial rapist currently in her crosshairs; the latest of her contracts.

But when a rival Club hitman shows up to steal the contract — and put a knife in her back — she has no choice but to add another stiff to her body count.

But she quickly learns that the Club will not tolerate killing another member, even in self defense.

Her punishment?

A grueling six-week gauntlet of being stalked by her peers, starting with an eagle-eyed sniper from another branch of the Club.

Can Ember turn the tables on the first of six, or will this hunter’s next bullet have her name on it?

In Ember’s new world, it’s kill-or-be-killed.

And there are plenty who want to kill her.

Soul Bound (Dweller Saga #1) – A. J. Flowers

The gods are dying. 

Thane has served his goddess for thousands of lifetimes, but even he knows that time is running out. There’s only one way to save her, to save all of Dweller kind, and it’s a suicide mission.

The host is a boy named Jakob. His ancient soul is one of the rare sources of power still recycling in the world of flesh. Thane has taken so many souls to his goddess, but this one could save them all.

It’s only when Thane learns the truth of the gods does he deny them their power. Souls aren’t recycled. They’re destroyed, and his goddess isn’t a deity… she’s a monster.

Permanently melded with his human host, Thane meets his soulmate, a woman who captures his heart like his goddess never did. He’ll do anything to protect her, and the gods know it.

Word of Truth (Buried Goddess Saga #6) – Rhett C. Bruno and Jaime Castle

The end is coming. It’s time to make a last stand…

Whitney, Lucindur and the others couldn’t stop Nesilia from returning in a new form. Many died in their failed attempt, but not all hope was lost. Sora is free and more powerful than ever, ready for vengeance against the Buried Goddess. Together, they’ll have one last shot at stopping her, but it may be too late.

Nesilia’s army tears across Pantego, killing everything in their path. The Drav Cra stand with her under Freydis, Babrak leads a Shesaitju fleet in her name. Demons and monsters from Elsewhere are slaves to her will.

In order to have any chance of fighting back, Sir Torsten Unger and Caleef Mahraveh arrange a marriage in an effort to unite their rival kingdoms. But if the people of Pantego can’t come together once and for all, Nesilia will drown all the world in darkness.

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