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January – 2019 –

Monthly Archives:


You may have noticed that you can’t find any Castalia House ebooks on Amazon right now. That’s because Amazon shut down our KDP account on the basis of a wildly spurious claim of publishing material to which we do not have the necessary rights. We happen to have some VERY bad news for them on […]

I’ve thought deeply for awhile of how to approach this article. So it’ll be a bit long, but hopefully you’ll find it interesting. I’ll be going forward with the assumption that everyone knows the basic core concepts behind the pokemon franchise. And hey, even if you, specifically, don’t, I know the audience is out there. […]

The audio onslaught continues apace with two new thematically-related Audiobook+ releases at Arkhaven. DO WE NEED GOD TO BE GOOD? by Dr. Christopher Hallpike is 7 hours and 27 minutes long, retails for $14.99, and includes the ebook in EPUB and Kindle formats. To know how to live, do we need God and religion, or does […]

Book Collecting (DMR Books): As important to me as Abraham Grace Merritt (I prefer his byline – A. Merritt) is, it constantly surprises me that there are still many today who have never heard of him.  Actually – let me walk that back a bit.  It used to surprise me.  I’ve seen that blank look […]

There is a new Robert E. Howard biography available. David C. Smith, a writer of fantasy, horror, and an English book told me about this project two years ago. Robert E. Howard: A Literary Biography is from the new imprint, Pulp Hero Press. L. Sprague de Camp dominated Robert E. Howard biography for decades. He […]

Mecha knights, combat frames, android detectives, and missing aircraft feature in this week’s roundup of the newest releases in science fiction. Combat Frame XSeed – Brian Niemeier The future is over. Civilization on Earth has collapsed. Oligarchs have established a new order in manmade space colonies at the Earth-Moon LaGrange points. A group of powerful […]

If you’re one of the many science fiction fans who laments the collapse of the genre into a dystopian swamp of sexual deviancy and social justice, you will rejoice to read the Neo-Heinleinesque work of Rod Walker, whose MUTINY IN SPACE is now available in audiobook+ at the Arkhaven store for only $9.99. When the radical revolutionaries of the […]

Dragon Award winner Brian Niemeier returns with the first in a new series of mecha thrillers, Combat Frame XSeed. The future is over. Civilization on Earth has collapsed. Oligarchs have established a new order in manmade space colonies at the Earth-Moon LaGrange points. A group of powerful colonies form the Systems Overterrestrial Coalition to re-civilize […]

The Lost Bomb by Rog Phillips appeared in the May 1950 issue of Amazing Stories. It can be read here at Rog Phillips certainly dominates this issue of Amazing stories with around 50k words of his fiction. Unlike Slaves of the Crystal Brain, The Lost Bomb is published under his own name. The Lost […]

As you may or may not know, Jeremy Daw has finished recording A THRONE OF BONES. It is going to be an absolutely massive audiobook over 30 hours long. If you want to get in the mood for it, you might like to consider listening to THE LAST WITCHKING & OTHER STORIES, which consists of five novellas […]

Since Jeffro Johnson renewed interest in Dungeons & Dragons’ Appendix N as an indispensable source for understanding both gaming and fantasy, there has been an on-and-off search for similar lists for those of us more inclined to spacesuits and rayguns instead of armor and swords. The most likely source, the Traveller RPG, was not as forthcoming about […]

Fiction (DMR Books): I have a real attachment to the supernatural tales that appeared in what is often called the golden age of the English ghost story.  Ranging from around 1880 to somewhere in the 1920s its boundaries are as vague as its achievements are remarkable.  For a time, in that difficult to imagine world […]