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Mantra yang Rusak –

Mantra yang Rusak

Friday , 7, February 2014 Leave a comment

Unfortunately, Amazon does not presently support Bahasa Indonesia, the primary language of Indonesia. Fortunately, however, Smashwords does, and so we are happy to be able to announce the publication of Mantra yang Rusak. Translated by Mint Wilson, Mantra yang Rusak is the Bahasa Indonesia edition of A Magic Broken.

Adalah kisah fantastis tentang angkara, keberanian dan tipu muslihat. Novela ini berkisah tentang Kapten Nicolas du Mere, seorang pelarian dalam pengasingan yang melarikan diri karena tuannya mati dalam pemberontakan, dan Lodi, anak Dunmorin, seorang dwarf pemberani yang berusaha menyelamatkan sesama dwarf dari perbudakan. Jalan mereka yang berbahaya akhirnya bertemu dengan cara tak terduga.

The translator maintains an intriguing blog on the challenges posed by translating English into Bahasa Indonesia. It is highly recommended reading for anyone who is interested in translating books with Castalia House. In her translations, she is guided by the excellent advice of the great Italian writer Umberto Eco: it is always il senso profondo del testo that comes first, never il testo literale.