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Men’s Adventure Quarterly: Jungle Girls –

Men’s Adventure Quarterly: Jungle Girls

Sunday , 6, March 2022 1 Comment

Issue number four of Men’s Adventure Quarterly is a “Jungle Girls” theme. I have reviewed previous issues of MAQ remarking on the incredible production quality.

MAQ No. 4 is 144 pages with a mix of contents. Fifty-seven pages are devoted to Jane Dolinger. Dolinger was a travel writer from the 1950s to the 1970s. She wrote books, articles for the men’s magazines, and also attractive enough to feature in magazine pictorials. I had not heard of her before. Bob Deis interviewed Lawrance Abbott who wrote Jane Dolinger: The Adventurous Life an American Travel Writer.

A couple of Dolinger articles are reprinted: “I Helped Shrink a Human Head,” “I Found the Jaguar Princess” and “The Jungle Killers Who Fight For Women.”

Three Dolinger pictorials are reprinted.

There is a two-fisted fiction section reprinted from the men’s adventure magazines:

“The She-Wolf of Halmahera”

“Yank Explorer Who Ruled Guatamala’s Taboo Tribe”

“Borneo’s Topless Army”

“Forbidden Amazon Female Compound”

I love a good jungle adventure. Story titles like “Crocodile” (both Carl Jacobi and Hugh B. Cave) hook me right in.

As I have written before, these men’s adventure magazine stories are maybe 2,000 words, more concise than a pulp magazine story would have been. These stories have WW2 veterans knocking around in far corners of the globe finding adventure and trouble.

There is a pictorial section reprinting some incredible jungle themed covers for men’s adventure magazines. Most have spear wielding amazons menacing the western explorer/adventurer.

“Liane, Jungle Goddess” is a section devoted to actress Marion Michael who was billed as Germany’s answer to Brigitte Bardot.

You can order MAQ from at or from Amazon.

The issue of Men’s Adventure Quarterly should prove to be fun as it will be a “Dirty Mission” issue.Vic Prezio

One Comment
  • deuce says:

    Sounds like another fun read from MAQ!

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