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Andre Norton –

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Around 42-43 years ago, had you gone to a chain bookstore like Walden Books or B. Dalton Bookseller at your local mall, there would be a good sized shelf of Andre Norton books. “Andre” Norton, born Alice (1912-2005) was a writer that started out more in the young adult market but became one of Donald […]

Illustration (Scoop): Beginning in September, Joe Jusko, in conjunction with ERB, Inc. will be creating brand new cover art and frontispieces for every Edgar Rice Burroughs novel (over 80, in total), forming the first completely unified Burroughs library by one artist.  The pantheon of incredible talent who have loaned their vision to cover ERB’s works […]

Not too long ago I finally got through Sterling Lanier’s Hiero’s Journey. Although it undeniably put forth some creative and inspiring ideas, I wasn’t overly impressed. Jeffro’s noted that the book was one of the primary influences of Gamma World, and though I’ve never played it, reading the basic description of the game’s setting is indeed evocative […]

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