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October – 2017 – - Page 5

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At first glance, they don’t have much in common.  One deals with the future, the other with the past.  One with alien civilizations and another with eminently familiar human ones.  One with advanced science, and the other with nothing more complex than saddle bags and .45 Colts. And yet, there is a lot of similarity, […]

It’s hard to believe that the first book in this series came out over two years ago. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then! But let me tell you, everything is here: The election, who managed to predict it, and why The recent kerfuffle in the NFL Comics Gate and Alt*Hero […]

The spooky season is upon us once again, and as HP shares his experience with the horror stories of Robert E Howard, I’ve decided to get Gothic. This month is Poctober for me, as I spend some time with a master who inspired Howard, Lovecraft, and many other great succeeding SFF writers. Before now I’d […]

I am one of the least creative Game Masters I know. Look back over my session reports and you’ll find that I rarely ever ventured far outside the bounds of other peoples modules. “Keep on the Borderlands”, “The Isle of Dread”, “Steading of the Hill Giant Chief”… all of these can be run as is […]

The Vanishing Venusians by Leigh Brackett appeared in the Spring 1945 issue of Planet Stories. It can be found here at I almost wonder if Peacock was going for a theme, running two stories with plant-aliens in a row. While the Sorogasters of Rocklynne’s Sandhound story are truly alien in both form and behavior, […]

Above the level of human understanding, the Arkhe is ever watchful. Waiting. Its near infinite power bleeds into the core of reality itself, changing the quantum fabric of the universe itself. Humanity’s greatest achievement is free. When Captain John Edward Rex, a former member of an elite military unit, enters the civilian world, he finds […]

The mighty poets write in blood and tears And agony that, flame-like, bites and sears. They reach their mad blind hands into the night, To plumb abysses dead to human sight. Tuesday was World Mental Health Day.  When Damon Knight and L. Sprague de Camp were denigrating Robert E. Howard, they were doing it used […]

Castalia House editor and Alt★Hero writer Vox Day recently revealed a new peak into the world of Alt★Hero, including news of a second title: “First, we’re going to make a few changes to how we’re structuring the Alt★Hero stories. Mr. Dixon and I have had the chance to work out how we are dividing the storytelling responsibilities, […]

The Chemical Mage is Book 1 of the Tegression Trilogy, a new series of hard science fiction thrillers spiced with supernatural horror. New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Felix R. Savage delivers non-stop action and startling plot twists in an adventure that races from the Kuiper Belt to Betelgeuse … and into the creepy depths of the […]

The newest space opera novel by Jon Mollison Never start a small project on a Sunday night. They always take more time and cause more hassle than expected. That was never more the case than when a regular guy from the suburbs made a late trip to the hardware store on a Sunday night and […]

Yes, Ogre: Designer’s Edition is too danged big. Lugging that giant overproduced kickstarter game is a major hassle. And I don’t use half the stuff in it. I use the classic counter set instead of the colorful new pieces. I don’t bother to get out the fancy 3D pieces. I don’t even use the new […]

We have released a new image of Rebel washing her Mustang to celebrate hitting a landmark milestone; less than one percent of all kickstarted campaigns ever reach this level. Tomorrow, we’ll be adding some new rewards and stretch goals, as well as modifying an existing one for the better. In the meantime, we’ll be working on finding […]