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Pulp Fiction –

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H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949) is one of the contenders for highest producer of fiction for the pulp magazines. Jones wrote 231 novels. He wrote 1141 shorter works broken down into 21 novellas, 372 novelettes, and 748 shorter stories. A guestimate is he produced a minimum of 25 million words. Bedford-Jones wrote westerns, adventure, historicals, detective/mystery. A […]

One of my favorite science fiction anthologies is Sensuous Science Fiction edited by Sheldon Jaffery. This is a trade paperback from 1984 published by Popular Culture Press at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. I had bought Sheldon’s Horrors and Unpleasantries: A Bibliographical History and Collector’s Guide to Arkham House. I saw in Horrors and […]

[Thunder Jim Wade] called himself a trouble-shooter. But he had a habit of seeking trouble, and smashing it with a cold, ruthless fury that had given him both name and reputation. His past was shrouded in mystery. Years before he had flashed on the scene like a comet—a comet whose mission was to destroy such […]

Barry Reese is another one of those visionary writers who didn’t need no stinking Appendix N to show him how pulp was done.  He started writing his own stories inspired by the classic pulp caped and cowled crusaders back in the late 2000-oughts with his Edgar Rice Burroughsian, Conquerors of Shadow: The Adventures of Eobard Grace.  Over the […]

Last time, when we looked at the first half of Norvell Page’s “When the Death-Bat Flies”: Hirotoyo had lost his smile, “Speak, my friend, and if I can help you….”  “You can,” Dunne said shortly. “Donald Henderson was murdered last night and the death arranged to look like hari-kari. Another associate of his, Paul Tarsus, […]

The burglar fumbled in his pocket, and Dunne leaned forward sharply, the gun jutting out. It was only the jewelry. It glowed on the man’s big palm and Dunne whistled softly.  “You damned fool,” he whispered. “You utter damned fool. That’s moonglow jewel jade! Worth a fortune. Good lord, it’s priceless! That bit there shaped […]

You say you want a pulp revolution. Well, you know, we all want to read the stuff. If you really want to have an idea of a pulp aesthetic, you need to get a few actual pulp magazines and read them. One of the best ways to get pulp magazines and meet other people with […]

At first glance, it seems strange that Arthur Henry Ward, writing under the pseudonym Sax Rohmer, doesn’t garner more attention on this blog.  After all, he wrote the enormously entertaining, successful, and influential The Insidious Dr.Fu-Manchu. But upon further reflection, it makes sense.  The book in question is not fantasy or science fiction.  And as we […]

So you have read a five hundred page anthology of recent, nuanced fantasy and have a need to blow all the sensitivity out of your veins. The antidote is The Big Book of Adventure Stories. This hefty tome came out a few years back from Vintage Crime. Otto Penzler edited the book as part of […]

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